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Music Monday: Dayle McLeod

We sat down with talented musician and writer Dayle McLeaod who's song ‘Melancholia’ is featured in the series. Dayle's motivation in for art is - 'Comfort the Disturbed and Disturb the Comfortable’ & ‘Make the revolution Irresistible’.


Have you had a chance to watch the trailer yet? What part of the show excited you the most? If not, check it out

I am excited to see how the zeitgeist of our Millennial generation will be portrayed in an indie series where there are no rules.

Which song of yours is featured in Avocado Toast the series and why do you think it’s a good fit?

My song ‘Melancholia’ is featured in the series. I wrote it about returning to a relationship that I knew was bad for me, which I think a lot of people can relate to. Sam, the director of your series, directed the music video for it, and I love that she’s using it the series and giving it some more life.

How much of yourself goes into your music?

I pour literally every last drop of my soul into my music. It is the place I am the most bare, the most naked, the most vulnerable.

Are baby boomers and millennials often having the same conversations but just using different words?

I don’t know. What I do know is that there are universal human aspects of ourselves that exist in every generation that every generation has to contend with, often using the different vernacular of their time. So, maybe.

What makes baby boomers so awesome?

I love my baby boomer elders because they work hard and they keep shit real. They are rustic and hardy and strong and can get through anything without crying about it. :)

What makes millennials so wonderful?

We are sensitive and wondering, curious, confident, loving, interested, and most important, WILLING.

Sex, sexuality, gender and different kinds of relationships are depicted in AvocadoToast the series. Why is it important to continue sharing these types of stories today?

Sex became taboo with the rise of religious fundamentalism and I think this wounded the population in a huge way. I believe that recovering our sexuality and healing it will be a forever journey and we need to continue to talk about it and tell stories that share this embrace and encourage discovery.

Who is a major influence for you and on your creativity?

My life, mostly. Myths, archetypes, stories, mysticism, and history as well.

What music related opportunities are ahead of you? What are your dream scenarios?

I hope people go out and buy my new 13 song album, IN BLOOM, out next week.

With so much going on in the world today, what’s your motivation to be a performer? 'To comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable’ & ‘Make the revolution Irresistible’ are some targets I aim for in my art.

Do you make music to explain? To get away? To move past? To widen our knowledge?To incite a conversation?

Music is a way of thinking, a way of digesting experience, a way of knowing myself, a way of reflection, a way of sharing, of being witnessed, and a form of prayer.

What's next for you as a creator?

I just released a memoir “The Big Dream; My Terrifyingly Beautiful Shamanic Initiation into the Arts’. Im extremely busy launching the book, taking interviews and creating content on my channels for my readers and audience to interact with’. Go to to learn more

Do you have interesting hobbies or creative pursuits outside of music? Tell us about it!

I love to cook, I LIVE to dance, I love my friends, I love movies, books, poetry and especially nature and exploration and adventure.



Twitter: @RealDayleMcLeod Facebook: @TheBigDreamBook SoundCloud: DayleMcLeod

THANKS FOR READING! Don’t forget to join our mailing list for more Avocado Toast The Series content and events!

Up next on Wednesday is a blog with our talented cast, Scott Cavalheiro in our Hump Day Crew Love interview series.


© 2022  Guts and Gall Productions Inc. | 1173 Dundas Street East Studio #137 | Toronto, ON | M4M 3P1    

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