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Hump Day Crew Love: Charlie David

Charlie David is the lead producer on Avocado Toast the series. His love of storytelling has given Charlie extensive television experience predominantly exploring the LGBTQI2S community. Read below to find out why it's so important to give them a voice.


What aspects of Avocado Toast the series are you excited for an audience to experience or discover?

I’m excited to share the fact that Avocado Toast the series was created by, produced by, directed by, written by, edited by, and starring women. It’s important to point that out because the caliber is really high and I think we’ll continue to have more dynamic, well rounded and wonderful shows on our screens when we have more women in key storytelling and technical positions.

Are baby boomers and millennials often having the same conversations but just using different words?

Oh my gosh yes. Well actually I often have the same conversation with my mom but I’m not sure if I should blame her memory or mine. I got lost in my own neighbourhood recently so I’m not actually sure if she should be more concerned for me or me for her when it comes to aging. I actually feel extremely lucky to be able to talk about anything and everything under the stars with my mom and did with my dad as well before he passed. They’ve both been on set for the shows I produce and questions and conversation definitely come up but I’ve never felt that I had to hide something I’ve created from them.

What makes baby boomers so awesome?

They’ve really done everything we have already – sometimes in even more wild, weird and wonderful ways – just without the internet! I mean, imagine that. They were able to locate each other and reproduce – without the internet. They were able to go from one end of a city to another – without a stranger picking them up in a car. They were able to catch up with a friend on the phone and get stuff done around the house – while attached to an extremely long curly cord plugged into a wall. They had fashion choices that we’re now imitating as best we can buy shopping at Value Village. They were actually way cooler than us – but they had no idea what an avocado was until we came along.

What makes millennials so wonderful?

We’re going to save the planet and our species from environmental destruction. We’re going to equalize rights between humans of every stripe. We’re going to see each other. We’re going to speak to each other but more importantly, we’re going to listen. And we wear really weird clothes and devour healthy fats.

Sex, sexuality, gender and different kinds of relationships are depicted in Avocado Toast the series. Why is it important to continue sharing these types of stories today?

Our companies Border2Border Entertainment and Guts and Gall Productions Inc. have a passion for telling stories that aren’t being created elsewhere and that mission includes putting conversations around sex, sexuality, gender, diversity, disability, and age front and centre. For most of us queer kids, we felt on the margins in one way or another growing up. By giving voice and the spotlight to people and stories who’ve rarely been handed the mic, we believe we’re practicing empathy ourselves and encouraging it to take root and grow in our audience’s minds and hearts.

Who is a major influence for you and on your creativity?

Each and every actor, writer, director, editor, painter, costumer, designer, grip, gaffer, sound person and collaborator who joins our team and has the ‘yes, we can’ attitude and driving enthusiasm to make each episode and each series the very best we can make. That inspires me, it fires me up and it’s incredibly contagious.

What's next for you as a producer?

We are currently finishing the second season of our documentary series Drag Heals which follows drag artists working with theatre director Tracey Erin Smith to mount a show inspired by personal experiences and stories. It’s such an exciting second season and I can’t wait to share it with everyone! There are so many episodes that pull at my heart every time I watch. Like Avocado Toast the series, I think it’s something very special.

And of course, we’re busy planning a second season of Avocado Toast because one serving of this show is definitely not enough!


Twitter: @charliedavid

Facebook: CharlieDavid

Instagram: @mrcharliedavid

THANKS FOR READING! Don’t forget to join our mailing list for more Avocado Toast The Series content and events!

Up next on Friday is a blog with co-Creator, Screenwriter, Producer, Actor and Editor, Perrie Voss in our Women Behind The Camera Weekend interview series.



© 2022  Guts and Gall Productions Inc. | 1173 Dundas Street East Studio #137 | Toronto, ON | M4M 3P1    

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